You can use GitHub actions major version by itself

Did you know that the official GitHub actions provide a shortcut for the latest major version?

Any action that starts with actions/ usually has two versions that you can use.

For example, when importing actions/checkout you can import it as actions/checkout@v4.1.1, but when the version v4.1.2 you’ll have to manually updated it (if you want to be safe).

What we can do instead is use v4. Most of GitHub’s official actions use a simple major version (vX) to point to the latest minor/patch version using that major version.

    direction LR
    state Versions {
    v400: v4.0.0
    v401: v4.0.1
    v400 --> v401
    v410: v4.1.0
    v401 --> v410
    v411: v4.1.1
    v410 --> v411
    v411 --> v4

So v4 points to v4.1.1, and once v4.1.2 gets release, v4 will point to that version.

    direction LR
    state Versions {
    v400: v4.0.0
    v401: v4.0.1
    v400 --> v401
    v410: v4.1.0
    v401 --> v410
    v411: v4.1.1
    v410 --> v411
    v412: v4.1.2
    v411 --> v412
    v412 --> v4